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Hong Kong based company Brixon, provides various design and manufacturing services. With an emphasis on ethical manufacturing and sustainability, they are one of the best manufacturers to approach in Hong Kong.

Brixon approached us to help with their website as part of a wider brand refresh. Their refined new look helped to convey their services better and attract more potential customers.

The ambition of the website was to portray their expert skills better, exhibit their self-designed clothes and show how they responsibly source and manufacture clothing. Brixon wanted extra pages that their previous website didn’t contain such as the meet the team page as it provides more of a personal touch.

Built bespoke with pure HTML and CSS, we were able to create a product that has a quick load time and a small overall payload. This is especially important as some of their clients are global and might not have quick internet connections. It also ranks very high on Google PageSpeed Insights.

You can visit Brixon’s website here.

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