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Ben Stewart Fitness Therapy is a sports coach and therapist from the Northampton area. He has many clients whom he helps to get into shape or help recover from injuries. He provides a full and comprehensive service to all clients to help them achieve their goals.

Ben approached us asking to build a system to help automate tasks and save him time. Previously, Ben was tracking his clients' progress via messages, excel spreadsheets and pen and paper. This all could take up a lot of his free time at home and also isn’t very easy to keep organised.

We created a solution that combines all his work into one place with a web app. All his clients can log in and use the services of the web app which include weight tracking, workout building, session notes, workout videos, email reminders and more. Ben can now easily view a client’s data in one concise place before their session with them so he can provide a better-tailored service in their time together.

We are still working with Ben to add further features with him and would also be looking to turn this into a mobile app in the future.

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